Friday, February 21, 2014

Rehearsal change

Due to the Talent Show tryouts next week our practice schedule will change!  We need the whole cast including stage crew to be there Monday and Wednesday!  Remember it is crucial you memorize your lines and songs.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014


Our NEW dates for the show are Saturday, April 26th 12 Noon and Sunday, April 27th 12 Noon.

February 19

From now to the performance ALL cast members should attend ALL rehearsals.  Stage crew, too!
Check out the prop list on a previous post.  We will start collecting them! 

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Here we "snow" again

Please practice with the CD.
Check out you-tube videos for Flat Stanley (especially Sam Somer's).

Monday, February 10, 2014

The snow (I mean SHOW) must go on...

"As we are  sure you know, the weather has caused many headaches and schedule changes; and our school play is not immune."

So we have moved the performances to Saturday, April 26 and Sunday, April 27th

Please re-mark your calendars!  Let us know if there are any conflicts as soon as possible!

Thursday, February 6, 2014


For our play we are looking for... (everything will be returned!!!)
1.  many light sabers with batteries so they light!
2. superman cape
3. 4 sleeping bag
4. large mailbag (canvas)
5.  reflex hammer
6.  shepherd's crook
7.  clap board (director's black and white Action! board)
8.  Kitchen cafĂ© curtains on the rod
9. small kitchen bistro table and chairs

We are calling for builders, painters and seamstresses!